The Peckwater Brands Blog

Can Using Tech Increase Your Food Delivery Sales?

Written by Joao Marques | May 16, 2022 6:30:00 AM

Can technology improve your restaurant’s food delivery sales?


In short, yes!


Industry-specific tech has completely transformed the hospitality sector in recent years. 


With app-based delivery services the norm and customers expecting delicious food and speedy service at the touch of a button – the latest tech is an essential part of attracting new customers, improving their experience and boosting your overall sales.


If you’re wondering how, here’s four examples…


1. Invest in the latest POS and CRM system


The days of manually inputting sales data via spreadsheets and counting tickets at the end of a long shift are long gone. 


The latest restaurant POS systems come with automated tools which not only make your back-of-house smoother, but also enable the latest marketing (and customer relationship management) integrations. 


With customer profiles linked to purchases and marketing messages, you can personalise your service to recognize birthdays, holidays or individual customer preferences – rewarding repeat customers and driving new sales.


To learn more, read our guide to making the most of your restaurant POS system as well as the best tech for improving your restaurant ops.


2. Digital loyalty programs


We all love a great deal. 


Despite this, customers often lose paper loyalty cards or simply throw them away… and all your hard-work is literally in the bin.


A digital loyalty program lets you capitalise on automated tech. Your diners receive credits for each purchase (incentivizing future orders), without any manual tracking or monitoring from you or your staff.


There are many ways to develop a digital loyalty program, and online food delivery platforms make this incredibly simple. 


If you’re just getting started, here’s our guide to calculating your ROI on platform marketing offers and how to set-up a loyalty scheme on Deliveroo and UberEats.


3. Scheduling software


These days, there’s even tech to help you put time-consuming staff-rotas together. Whilst this might not seem directly related to your food delivery sales… it is. 


Just think, what happens when your ghost kitchen is understaffed? Mistakes start to creep in, the quality of your food and service decreases… resulting in displeased customers. 


On the flip side, if you consistently maintain an appropriately staffed kitchen, you can respond to busy periods with ease and convert new diners into loyal customers.


For the latest staffing apps, take a look at our guide to the best apps for finding hospitality staff in 2022.


4. Online marketing


The latest technology isn’t just about improving your kitchen operations – but it can also help your marketing and advertising efforts. 


As part of this, consider your online presence. Does your website need a revamp? What about your social media profiles? Try searching for your ghost kitchen brand online – where does it appear on online food delivery platforms rankings, as well as google listings? 


Paying close attention to platform visibility and digital presence is a vital aspect of any virtual food brand’s success.


For more inspiration on the latest technology for improving your restaurant, explore the Peckwater Brands blog. From self-service machines to tech to improve your profit margins, it’s time to revolutionise your virtual food brand’s profitability and performance.